Reflecting on Oxford

It’s an odd benchmark, to judge how far you’ve come by how you feel when watching Lewis. But I was watching a rerun last night and I realised that each shot of the stone streets of Oxford, each panoramic of the Radcliffe camera, made me feel light, happy, proud and nostalgic. Watching Lewis hasn’t always made me feel like that. I went through some very dark times at Oxford - times I’ve written about on this blog. I used to want to cry when I saw shots of the library, of my college. It was a place I felt alienated from. It was a place that didn’t feel like home anymore. But somehow, yesterday, I rewound a scene which was filmed in my college and watched it over and over with a full heart, thinking ‘that was my home for a while’. I have always been someone who has attached feelings to places. In my first year I lived in a building called Florey which one might describe as having a marmite effect. Some people, my friends included, loved it and thought it was an arc...